Single Tax System

A New Taxation System suggests single tax in place of present multiple taxes/Vat/Income Tax/Service Tax/Central Excise Duty etc by Vijaya Krushna Varma.
All economic ills – one pill
                                     Single Tax System
                                                                                                            I am suggesting new methods, models, and innovative and alternative policies in the areas of monetary system, budget preparation, banking finance system, public finance, optimal taxation, tax collection, tax compliance, subsidies, money supply, and fiscal policy to help remove corruption, tax evasion, economic recession, black money, fake currency, ransoms, robberies and societal inequalities. In my opinion, the proposed new economic system may usher in good governance, 100% tax compliance and corruption free environment. It suggests a single tax called “TOP Tax” (Transfer Or Purchase Tax) for both Centre and States combined in place of present multiple Indirect taxes with different slab rates on different goods/commodities/services and multiple Direct taxes with different slab rates, relieving 6.9 billion people of the world from the cobweb of ambiguous and complex tax structures, plethora of tax laws, mandatory and cumbersome accounting, auditing, tax returns and consequent quagmire of all tax related cases. Taxation, tax collection, tax enforcement, tax compliance, allocation of revenues to various ministries or departments and money supply into the economy are unified and integrated in the banking system. Citizens need not maintain separate account books and submit tax returns annually for paying either Direct taxes on personal incomes or Indirect taxes while running business or industry. This new economic system involving a new tax system without multiple taxes, tax laws, tax collection departments, tax tribunals and tax enforcement agencies, envisages 20 to 30 % more revenues than presently accruing from multiple taxes collected by different tax collection departments/agencies. The availability of resources and capital flows, needed for economic recovery, is the self-priming character of the “TOP Tax system” without Government’s fiscal stimulus packages. This new economic system shall be operated at minimum operating cost with limited paper currency (0.4%) and dematerialised money (99.6%) of the total money available in the economy in the particular country, thereby totally eliminating black money, tax evasion, fake currency, corruption and extortions.


           Under this new taxation system the tax net, cast by banks, will be the broadest with absolutely no tax evasion, making it possible for the lowest tax slab rate and the cheapest prices of commodities/services. The redistribution of revenues from Government to people in the form of welfare schemes, subsidies and various relief funds will become easier without leakages, bribes and misappropriation.  Although this new taxation system is a basic model suggested mainly for India, the basic concept of taxation, tax collection and tax compliance methods can be adopted and implemented by all the developed and developing countries alike to benefit 6.9 billion people of the world in all spheres of their lives in one form or the other.

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Single Tax System -1- by VIJAYA KRUSHNA VARMA

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